On May 11, a resolution supporting the rescheduling of AtoA construction from 2022 to 2023 was adopted by the North Star Community Council (NSCC). The resolution passed with no opposing or abstaining votes. You can read the adopted resolution on the Community Councils website.

The resolution text is as follows:

Resolution of the North Star Community Council in support of rescheduling construction of the Arctic To Aurora undergrounding project to 2023 

WHEREAS, in 2014 the North Star Community Council confirmed a resolution in support of the Arctic To Aurora undergrounding project and, 

WHEREAS, Municipal Light and Power (MLP) added the Arctic To Aurora undergrounding project to it’s 5-year undergrounding plan in 2015, with a construction target of 2021 and, 

WHEREAS, for the two years of 2014 and 2015 Arctic To Aurora was the only new undergrounding project added to MLP’s 5-year undergrounding plan, from a field of dozens of potential projects, based on aging infrastructure, safety concerns, and public involvement, and,

WHEREAS, Chugach Electric Association acquired the obligations of Municipal Light and Power in 2020 and, 

WHEREAS, Chugach Electric Association intended to perform construction on the Arctic To Aurora undergrounding project in 2022 and,

WHEREAS, Chugach Electric Association has not communicated project timelines or awareness of the project to the entirety of property owners and, 

WHEREAS, Chugach Electric Association requested easements from property owners with minimal context and without followup and, 

WHEREAS, Chugach Electric Association failed to communicate to property owners of a deadline for signing and returning easements and, 

WHEREAS, Chugach Electric Association has signaled a significant reduction in project scope, citing land rights issues, 

WHEREAS, there is insufficient time remaining this year to adequately communicate with property owners and gather easements, while still allowing sufficient time to secure contractors and perform construction before winter.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the North Star Community Council supports the rescheduling of the construction of the Arctic To Aurora undergrounding to 2023, and,

That Chugach Electric Association properly communicates project timelines, requirements and expectations to the entire body of property owners, with sufficient response time to account for property owners who are traveling or living outside of Anchorage, and,

That Chugach Electric Association works with property owners in good faith to best resolve design and implementation challenges, prior to sending homeowners a new or revised request for land rights, and,

That Chugach Electric Association clearly communicates a schedule for discussing and obtaining easements, such that all property owners, including those traveling or living outside of Anchorage, have sufficient time to respond.